'Teach-back' is a simple communication tool that improves disease knowledge in people with chronic hepatitis B - a pilot randomized controlled study.
Tran S, Bennett G, Richmond J, Nguyen T, Ryan M, Hong T, Howell J, Demediuk B, Desmond P, Bell S, Thompson A
A qualitative investigation of barriers, support-seeking and coping among South Sudanese people with chronic hepatitis B in Australia.
William Mude, Christopher Fisher, Jacqui Richmond, Jack Wallace, Roslyn Le Gautier
Hepatitis BThe Role of Primary Health Care in Hepatitis B Testing and Management: A Case Study.
Richmond JA, Sasadeusz J, Temple-Smith M
Perceptions of HIV cure research among people living with HIV in Australia.
Power J, Westle A, Dowsett GW, Lucke J, Tucker JD, Sugarman J, Lewin SR, Hill S, Brown G, Wallace J, Richmond J
The challenge of liver cancer surveillance in general practice: Do recall and reminder systems hold the answer?
Allard N, Cabrie T, Wheeler E, Richmond J, MacLachlan J, Emery J, Furler J, Cowie B
Achieving a hepatitis C cure: a qualitative exploration of the experiences and meanings of achieving a hepatitis C cure using the direct acting antivirals in Australia.
Richmond JA, Ellard J, Wallace J, Thorpe R, Higgs P, Hellard M, Thompson A