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Gabrielle Lindeman

Honorary Staff

Gabrielle was a researcher in the Eliminate Hepatitis C Australia Project Team and Infectious Diseases Implementation Science Working Group.

Working with government, community and clinicians, her research at Burnet supported the national Connect C project, with a focus on improving the use of hepatitis C (HCV) notifications data to link more people living with HCV to treatment and cure. She is committed to social justice and work that promotes equitable health systems, including through addressing barriers to accessible and appropriate healthcare faced by marginalised and underserved communities. 

Gabrielle’s key interests are in health systems strengthening, infectious disease epidemiology and translational research to guide clinical and public health policy and practice. 

Gabrielle completed a Bachelor of Biomedicine followed by a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree at the University of Melbourne, where she specialised in epidemiology and biostatistics. Following completion of her MPH degree, Gabrielle contributed to a Lancet Commission project in the Oral Health team at the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health (MSPGH), which simulated the effectiveness of individual and population-level interventions in reducing social inequalities in oral health outcomes. 

  • 2022: MPH, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • 2020: B-BMED, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Mentee: Public Health Association Australia National Mentoring Program
  • Master of Public Health representative (2021-2022): Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Students’ Society
  • 2023–2025: Research Assistant, EC Australia, Burnet Institute
  • 2023: Research Assistant, Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health and Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne
  • 2023: Teaching Staff for the core subject Epidemiology 1, Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne
  • 2021–22: Contact Tracing Support Officer, North Eastern Public Health Unit (NEPHU), Austin Health