Malaria eradication and elimination: views on how to translate a vision into reality.
Tanner M, Greenwood B, Whitty CJ, Ansah EK, Price RN, Dondorp AM, von Seidlein L, Baird JK, Beeson JG, Fowkes FJ, Hemingway J, Marsh K, Osier F
Presenting parasitological data: the good, the bad and the error bar.
Zaloumis SG, Fowkes FJ, De Livera A, Simpson JA
Estimating Gestational Age in Late Presenters to Antenatal Care in a Resource-Limited Setting on the Thai-Myanmar Border.
Moore KA, Simpson JA, Thomas KH, Rijken MJ, White LJ, Dwell SL, Paw MK, Wiladphaingern J, Pukrittayakamee S, Nosten F, Fowkes FJ, McGready R
The impact of lipid-based nutrient supplementation on anti-malarial antibodies in pregnant women in a randomized controlled trial.
Chandrasiri UP, Fowkes FJ, Richards JS, Langer C, Fan YM, Taylor SM, Beeson JG, Dewey KG, Maleta K, Ashorn P, Rogerson SJ