Real-world trends in incidence of bacterial sexually transmissible infections among gay and bisexual men using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Australia following nationwide PrEP implementation: an analysis of sentinel surveillance data.
Traeger MW, Guy R, Asselin J, Patel P, Carter A, Wright EJ, Grulich A, McManus H, Fairley CK, Chow EPF, McNulty A, Finlayson R, Bell C, Owen L, Marshall L, Russell D, O'Donnell D, Donovan B, Hellard ME, Stoové MA, Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses (ACCESS) Study Group
Barriers to accessing HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis for Medicare-ineligible people in Melbourne, Australia: analysis of patients attending the PrEPMe Clinic.
Cornelisse VJ, Armishaw J, Catton M, Murphy D, Wright EJ
Barriers and facilitators to pre-exposure prophylaxis among African migrants in high income countries: a systematic review.
Mwaturura C, Traeger M, Lemoh C, Stoove M, Price B, Coelho A, Mikola M, Ryan KE, Wright E
Latent Class Analysis of Sexual Behaviours and Attitudes to Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Gay and Bisexual Men Using PrEP.
Traeger MW, Murphy D, Ryan KE, Asselin J, Cornelisse VJ, Wilkinson AL, Hellard ME, Wright EJ, Stoové MA
New Potential Axes of HIV Neuropathogenesis with Relevance to Biomarkers and Treatment.
Angelovich TA, Churchill MJ, Wright EJ, Brew BJ
Brief Report: Low Incidence of Hepatitis C Among a Cohort of HIV-Negative Gay and Bisexual Men Using HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in Melbourne, Australia, and the Contribution of Sexual Transmission.
Cornelisse VJ, Traeger MW, Wright EJ, Murphy D, Stoové M, Hellard M, Sacks-Davis R, Asselin J, Fairley CK, Doyle J, Sasadeusz J