Hepatitis C in psychiatry inpatients: testing rates, prevalence and risk behaviours.
Lacey C, Ellen S, Devlin H, Wright E, Mijch A
The safety and efficacy of enfuvirtide therapy for HIV infection in patients with hemophilia: a case series.
Polizzotto MN, Street AM, Wright E
Human immunodeficiency virus-associated progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy: epidemiology and predictive factors for prolonged survival.
Drake AK, Loy CT, Brew BJ, Chen TC, Petoumenos K, Li PC, Wright EJ
Depression and neurocognitive performance in individuals with HIV/AIDS: 2-year follow-up.
Gibbie T, Mijch A, Ellen S, Hoy J, Hutchison C, Wright E, Chua P, Judd F
Fertility and reproductive choice in women with HIV-1 infection.
Thackway SV, Furner V, Mijch A, Cooper DA, Holland D, Martinez P, Shaw D, van Beek I, Wright E, Clezy K, Kaldor JM
Managing HIV. Part 5: Treating secondary outcomes. 5.4 HIV-induced neurological disease.
Wright EJ, Brew BJ, Currie JN, McArthur JC