Microelimination of Hepatitis C Among People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection: Declining Incidence and Prevalence Accompanying a Multicenter Treatment Scale-up Trial.
Doyle JS, van Santen DK, Iser D, Sasadeusz J, O'Reilly M, Harney B, Traeger MW, Roney J, Cutts JC, Bowring AL, Winter R, Medland N, Fairley CK, Moore R, Tee BK, Asselin J, El-Hayek C, Hoy JF, Matthews GV, Prins M, Stoové MA, Hellard ME
A Feasibility Study to Increase Chronic Hepatitis C Virus RNA Testing and Linkage to Care among Clients Attending Homeless Services in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Generaal E, Logtenberg van der Grient H, Schatz E, van Santen DK, Boyd A, Woods SK, Baak BLC, Prins M.
Alcohol + Other Drugs Hepatitis C Injecting Drug UseThe effect of needle and syringe program and opioid agonist therapy on the risk of HIV, hepatitis B and C virus infection for people who inject drugs in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: findings from an emulated target trial.
van Santen DK, Boyd A, Matser A, Maher L, Hickman M, Lodi S, Prins M
The Impact of Markers of HIV Infection on Change in Liver Stiffness in People With HIV and Hepatitis C Virus Co-infection After Treatment and Cure of Hepatitis C.
van Santen DK, Agius PA, Sasadeusz J, Fairley CK, Sievert W, Gane E, Iser D, O'Reilly M, Medland NA, Moore R, Hellard ME, Hoy JF, Doyle JS, Co-EC Study Group
Homelessness, unstable housing, and risk of HIV and hepatitis C virus acquisition among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Arum C, Fraser H, Artenie AA, Bivegete S, Trickey A, Alary M, Astemborski J, Iversen J, Lim AG, MacGregor L, Morris M, Ong JJ, Platt L, Sack-Davis R, van Santen DK, Solomon SS, Sypsa V, Valencia J, Van Den Boom W, Walker JG, Ward Z, Stone J, Vickerman P, Homelessness, HIV, and HCV Review Collaborative Group
Lessons learned from the Amsterdam Cohort Studies among people who use drugs: a historical perspective.
van Santen DK, Coutinho RA, van den Hoek A, van Brussel G, Buster M, Prins M