A Proposal for a Best-evidence Model of Care and Program Logic for Supported Accommodation for People Released From Prison.
Gibbs D, Shakeshaft A, Walker S, Larney S, Farnbach S
Justice HealthNaloxone cascade of care among people who regularly inject drugs in Australia, 2020-2022.
Akhurst J, Price O, Sutherland R, Gibbs D, Dietze P, Bruno R, Agramunt S, Colledge-Frisby S, Lenton S, Salom C, Thomas N, Peacock A
Injecting Drug UseCoverage of cervical cancer prevention interventions among people in Australia who inject drugs.
Price O, Machalek DA, Sutherland R, Gibbs D, Colledge-Frisby S, Read P, Peacock A
Immune Disease + Cancer Injecting Drug UseAssociations Between Supported Accommodation and Health and Re-offending Outcomes.
Gibbs D, Colledge-Frisby S, Farnbach S, Doyle M, Shakeshaft A, Larney S
Comparing police use of drug detection dogs amongst injecting and non-injecting groups of people who regularly use drugs in Australia.
Gibbs D, King C, Hughes C, Peacock A, Grigg J, Yuen WS, Sutherland R
The impact of supported accommodation on health and criminal justice outcomes of people released from prison: a systematic literature review.
Gibbs D, Stockings E, Larney S, Bromberg D, Shakeshaft A, Farnbach S
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