Hepatitis C incidence among patients attending primary care health services that specialise in the care of people who inject drugs, Victoria, Australia, 2009 to 2020.
Wilkinson AL, van Santen DK, Traeger MW, Sacks-Davis R, Asselin J, Scott N, Harney BL, Doyle JS, El-Hayek C, Howell J, Bramwell F, McManus H, Donovan B, Stoové M, Hellard M, Pedrana A
Real-world monitoring progress towards the elimination of hepatitis C virus in Australia using sentinel surveillance of primary care clinics; an ecological study of hepatitis C virus antibody tests from 2009 to 2019.
Lee Wilkinson A, Pedrana A, Traeger MW, Asselin J, El-Hayek C, Nguyen L, Polkinghorne V, Doyle JS, Thompson AJ, Howell J, Scott N, Dimech W, Guy R, Hellard M, Stoové M, EC Victoria Partnership and the Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of blood-borne viruses AND sexually transmissible infections (ACCESS)
Emergency department presentations in the first weeks following release from prison among men with a history of injecting drug use in Victoria, Australia: A prospective cohort study.
Cossar RD, Stewart AC, Wilkinson AL, Dietze P, Ogloff JRP, Aitken C, Butler T, Kinner SA, Curtis M, Walker S, Kirwan A, Stoové M
Latent Class Analysis of Sexual Behaviours and Attitudes to Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Gay and Bisexual Men Using PrEP.
Traeger MW, Murphy D, Ryan KE, Asselin J, Cornelisse VJ, Wilkinson AL, Hellard ME, Wright EJ, Stoové MA
Psychiatric well-being among men leaving prison reporting a history of injecting drug use: A longitudinal analysis.
Stewart AC, Cossar R, Lee Wilkinson A, Scott N, Dietze P, Quinn B, Kinner SA, Aitken C, Walker S, Curtis M, Butler T, Ogloff JRP, Stoové M
Strategies to maximise study retention and limit attrition bias in a prospective cohort study of men reporting a history of injecting drug use released from prison: the prison and transition health study.
Stewart AC, Cossar R, Walker S, Wilkinson AL, Quinn B, Dietze P, Winter R, Kirwan A, Curtis M, Ogloff JRP, Kinner S, Aitken C, Butler T, Woods E, Stoové M