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Amy Kirwan

Senior Research Fellow, Social Impact and Innovation
Amy.Kirwan 001 WEB 3
Current Projects
IMG 0964 510X288
SuperMIX: The Melbourne Injecting Drug User Cohort Study PROJECT Arrow Icon
The Forest Cover Artwork
The Forest PROJECT Arrow Icon
Main Image
Understanding the needs of multicultural communities (VOICE partnership) PROJECT Arrow Icon
Past Projects
PATH Cohort Study Feature Pic Shutterstock
PATH Cohort Study PROJECT Arrow Icon
Condoms 510X288
Evaluation of a condom distribution trial in Victorian prisons PROJECT Arrow Icon
Holding Image
Evaluation of the Multicultural Drug and Alcohol Service PROJECT Arrow Icon
Holding Image
Feasibility study for a potential medically supervised injecting centre/drug consumption service for the ACT PROJECT Arrow Icon
Holding Image
Cohort study of ex-prisoners with a history of injecting drug use PROJECT Arrow Icon