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Hepatitis C poses a significant public health concern in Australia, with over 170,000 individuals es...
Rapid EC: Point-of-care testing for hepatitis C at needle and syringe programs is feasible and accep...
Young male prisoners with a history of injecting drug use are among the most disadvantaged and vulne...
Universal availability of hepatitis C treatment is a critical but insufficient step towards eliminat...
Implementation of a remote consultation pathway facilitates interaction between general practitioner...
Targeted interventions are needed to increase hepatitis C treatment uptake in non- metropolitan area...
Routine testing and prompt treatment uptake can significantly reduce hepatitis C prevalence among HI...
The Salvation Army commissioned the Burnet Institute to gather data on its 24-hour needle and syring...
Universal access to hepatitis C medication alone is insufficient to eliminate hepatitis C as a publi...
A Burnet Institute survey undertaken in 2016 showed that although many general practitioners are int...
Hepatitis C incidence appears to be decreasing, but in a cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbou...
People who inject drugs experience high levels of psychological distress and recent assault, intenti...
A systematic review conducted in 2015 demonstrated that – compared to tertiary- based hepatitis C ca...
Reaching the WHO hepatitis C elimination targets in Australia is cost-effective and can be achieved ...
Treating people who inject drugs for hepatitis C with new therapies is cost-effective and could prev...
Even a partially effective hepatitis C vaccine could effectively complement existing treatments to r...
China is confronted with a significant challenge in managing a substantial population afflicted with...
This project was undertaken to provide a detailed understanding of the interface between the price o...
Significant and ongoing Burnet Institute research has provided important insights into the social ne...
Background: Understanding of substitution patterns in drug using careers is limited. Between 2009 an...