Foreign aid cuts could mean 10 million more HIV infections by 2030 – and almost 3 million extra deaths
World TB day: funding cuts threatening millions of lives
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Antimicrobials for Neonates: Practitioner Decisions and Diagnostic Certainty.
Factors Associated with Timely First-Dose Pentavalent and Measles-Rubella Vaccin...
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Geographical needs-based analyses can help identify areas for priority health service delivery.
"The World Health Organization (WHO) has set specific hepatitis B elimination targets for 2030. Thes...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has set a target for elimination of hepatitis C as a public heal...
Real-world data from six countries show promising early outcomes of direct-acting antiviral treatmen...
In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) published evidence-based guidelines to facilitate incre...
Event-style testing campaigns with financial incentives are effective in engaging both regular and o...
The number of people being cured of hepatitis C has improved since the introduction of direct-acting...
There are currently 11 vaccine candidates for COVID‑19 in clinical trials. Five of the six vaccines ...
Rapid EC: Point-of-care testing for hepatitis C at needle and syringe programs is feasible and accep...
Universal availability of hepatitis C treatment is a critical but insufficient step towards eliminat...
Hepatitis C incidence appears to be decreasing, but in a cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbou...
Significant and ongoing Burnet Institute research has provided important insights into the social ne...
Gender and genetics could identify people who are more likely to eliminate hepatitis C after reinfec...
Hepatitis C testing in people who inject drugs should be combined with harm reduction counselling to...
Targeting social networks with a ‘treat your friends’ approach is a feasible, practical and effectiv...
Elimination of hepatitis C requires effective engagement of people who inject drugs. A targeted comp...
Genetic signatures of the hepatitis C virus demonstrate the important role of injecting networks in ...
Modest increases in hepatitis C treatment rates amongst people who inject drugs will significantly r...
Evidence supports treatment (pegylated interferon plus ribavirin) of hepatitis C in people who injec...