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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Twenty-year trends in pharmaceutical fentanyl and illicit fentanyl deaths, Australia 2001-2021.

Roxburgh A, Nielsen S

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Twenty-one years at the Uniting Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, Sydney: addressing the remaining questions.

Day CA, Salmon A, Jauncey M, Bartlett M, Roxburgh A

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The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sachs JD, Karim SSA, Aknin L, Allen J, Brosbøl K, Colombo F, Barron GC, Espinosa MF, Gaspar V, Gaviria A, Haines A, Hotez PJ, Koundouri P, Bascuñán FL, Lee JK, Pate MA, Ramos G, Reddy KS, Serageldin I, Thwaites J, Vike-Freiberga V, Wang C, Were MK, Xue L, Bahadur C, Bottazzi ME, Bullen C, Laryea-Adjei G, Ben Amor Y, Karadag O, Lafortune G, Torres E, Barredo L, Bartels JGE, Joshi N, Hellard M, Huynh UK, Khandelwal S, Lazarus JV, Michie S

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VIVID: A Web Application for Variant Interpretation and Visualization in Multi-dimensional Analyses.

Tichkule S, Myung Y, Naung MT, Ansell BRE, Guy AJ, Srivastava N, Mehra S, Cacciò SM, Mueller I, Barry AE, van Oosterhout C, Pope B, Ascher DB, Jex AR

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A project to validate the GLU test for preterm birth prediction in First Nations women.

Brown K, Unger HW , Peel M , Doherty DA , Lee M , Kujawa A , Holder S , Tachedjian G, Masson L , Thorn JC, Newnham JP, Payne MS

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The gendered experience of Close to Community Providers during COVID-19 Response in settings: A multi-country analysis

Raven J, Arjyal A, Baral S, Chand O, Hawkins K, Kallon L, Mansour W, Parajuli A, Than KK, Wurie H, Yamout R, Theobald S

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