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Young People as Agents in Development Processes: Reconsidering Perspectives for Development Geography.

Bell S, Payne R

  • Published 11 Jun 2009

  • Volume 30

  • ISSUE 5

  • Pagination 1027-1044

  • DOI 10.1080/01436590902959297


This paper explores the role of young people in development processes. This is achieved through an examination of the latest developments in literature concerning young people's identity, agency and experiences of power relations and by reflecting on our own empirical research with young people in Zambia (child-headed households) and Uganda (empowerment and sexual health). In particular, we discuss the opportunities and challenges faced by young people in terms of taking greater control over their own lives and contributing to the development of their communities. In doing so we further understanding of how young people (inter)act to improve their own lives and negotiate the challenging—and changing—realities and relationships they experience.