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Vδ2+ T cell response to malaria correlates with protection from infection but is attenuated with repeated exposure.

Jagannathan P, Lutwama F, Boyle MJ, Nankya F, Farrington LA, McIntyre TI, Bowen K, Naluwu K, Nalubega M, Musinguzi K, Sikyomu E, Budker R, Katureebe A, Rek J, Greenhouse B, Dorsey G, Kamya MR, Feeney ME

  • Journal Scientific reports

  • Published 13 Sep 2017

  • Volume 7

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 11487

  • DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-10624-3


T cells may play a role in preventing malaria infection in children living in endemic settings; progressive loss and dysfunction of these cells may represent a disease tolerance mechanism that contributes to the development of clinical immunity to malaria.