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Variations of the growth of harmonic reflections in fiber Bragg gratings fabricated using phase masks.

Rollinson CM, Wade SA, Kouskousis BP, Kitcher DJ, Baxter GW, Collins SF

  • Journal Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision

  • Published 12 Dec 2012

  • Volume 29

  • ISSUE 7

  • Pagination 1259-68

  • DOI 10.1364/JOSAA.29.001259


The growth of reflectance peaks from optical fiber Bragg gratings has been studied to determine the relative importance of grating features when writing with the phase-mask technique. Measurements of spectra for two different fiber types using two distinct phase masks allowed the contribution from grating features of half the phase-mask periodicity and of the phase-mask periodicity at the Bragg wavelength to be determined. The dominance of the latter periodicity was ascribed to either the small fiber core diameter that limited the extent of the Talbot diffraction pattern, or the enhanced ±2 diffraction orders of a custom-made phase mask used.