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Understanding the Targeting and Uptake of HIV Testing Among Gay and Bisexual Men Attending Sexual Health Clinics.

Jamil MS, McManus H, Callander D, Prestage G, Ali H, O'Connor CC, Chen M, McNulty AM, Knight V, Duck T, Keen P, Gray J, Medland N, Hellard M, Lewis DA, Grulich AE, Kaldor JM, Fairley CK, Donovan B, Guy RJ, ACCESS and NSW Partnership Project Steering Committees

  • Journal AIDS and behavior

  • Published 08 May 2019

  • Volume 22

  • ISSUE 2

  • Pagination 513-521

  • DOI 10.1007/s10461-017-2012-2


We assessed trends in HIV testing outcomes during a period of clinic-based initiatives introduced to increase HIV testing among gay and bisexual men (GBM) attending sexual health clinics (SHCs) in New South Wales (NSW). A cohort of 25,487 HIV-negative GBM attending 32 SHCs in NSW (2009-2015) was classified into six sub-groups each year based on client-type (new/existing), risk-status (low/high-risk), and any recent HIV testing. Poisson regression methods were used to assess HIV testing outcomes in sub-groups of GBM. HIV testing outcomes and the sub-groups with greatest statistically significant annual increases were: individuals attending (26% in high-risk existing clients with recent testing); testing uptake (4% in low-risk existing clients with no recent testing); testing frequency (6% in low-risk existing clients with no recent testing and 5% in high-risk existing clients with recent testing); and total tests (31% in high-risk existing clients with recent testing). High-risk existing clients with recent testing had a 13% annual increase in the proportional contribution to total tests. Our findings show improved targeting of testing to high-risk GBM at NSW SHCs. The clinic-based initiatives should be considered for translation to other similar settings.