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Trends in cocaine use, markets and harms in Australia, 2003-2019.

Man N, Chrzanowska A, Price O, Bruno R, Dietze PM, Sisson SA, Degenhardt L, Salom C, Morris L, Farrell M, Peacock A

  • Journal Drug and alcohol review

  • Published 24 Feb 2021

  • Volume 40

  • ISSUE 6

  • Pagination 946-956

  • DOI 10.1111/dar.13252


This paper aims to describe cocaine use, markets and harms in Australia from 2003 to 2019.

Outcome indicators comprised prevalence of use from triennial household surveys; patterns of use from annual surveys of sentinel samples who use stimulants; and cocaine-related seizures, arrests, hospitalisations, deaths and treatment episodes. Bayesian autoregressive time-series analyses were conducted to estimate trend over time: Model 1, no change; Model 2, constant rate of change; and Model 3, change over time differing in rate after one change point.

1.6,3.7; Model 3).

Cocaine use, availability and harm have increased, concentrated in recent years, and accompanied by increased treatment engagement.