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Treatment Outcomes of Patients Switching From an Injectable Drug to Bedaquiline During Short Standardized Treatment for Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis in Mozambique.

Bastard M, Molfino L, Mutaquiha C, Galindo MA, Zindoga P, Vaz D, Mahinça I, DuCros P, Rusch B, Telnov A

  • Journal Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

  • Published 25 Sep 2020

  • Volume 69

  • ISSUE 10

  • Pagination 1809-1811

  • DOI 10.1093/cid/ciz196


Bedaquiline was recommended by the World Health Organization as the preferred option in treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) with long regimens. However, no recommendation was given for the short MDR-TB regimen. Data from our small cohort of patients who switched from injectable drug to bedaquiline suggest that a bedaquiline-based short regimen is effective and safe.