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The relationship between team dynamics with healthcare coordination and clinical work satisfaction among Commune Health Workers: A Bayesian model averaging study.

Ngo TT, Van Nguyen H, Pham TH, Van Nguyen T, Vu KD, Pham MD, Phung D, Thi Tran AN, Nguyen PT, Le PM, Thi Dao AM, Ngo HT, Van Hoang M

  • Journal The International journal of health planning and management

  • Published 28 Apr 2022

  • Volume 37

  • ISSUE 5

  • Pagination 2684-2696

  • DOI 10.1002/hpm.3494


To determine the relationship between team dynamics with healthcare coordination and clinical job satisfaction of the community health workers (CHWs).

A cross-sectional study was conducted among 133 health workers (including doctors, nurses, or midwives) at 21 Commune Health Cent in Quoc Oai District, Vietnam, from July 2015 to May 2017. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 5-Likert items regarding team dynamics and healthcare coordination clinical work satisfaction was utilised. Descriptive statistics and correlation matrix were applied for seven factors of team dynamic, clinical work satisfaction, and patient care coordination queried by primary care providers. Bayesian model averaging (BMA) was used to identify the predictors of the level of team dynamics and healthcare coordination.

The mean score of overall team dynamics among the study participants was 4.08. Clinical work satisfaction and patient care coordination scores among resident physicians were higher than those of attending clinicians; however, the differences were not statistically significant. The results of BMA analysis indicated that team dynamics significantly associated with clinical work satisfaction, and it explains 9% of the total variance in clinical work satisfaction. Team dynamics level was also positively associated with patient care coordination. Patient care coordination was not a significant mediator between team dynamics and clinical work satisfaction.

Team dynamics is a potential contributor to improving patient care coordination and clinical job satisfaction of CHWs. As no significant correlation between patient care coordination and clinical job satisfaction was observed, to improve team performance, providing conditions that facilitate team building and teamwork should be conducted for CHWs in CHCs.