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The overlap between miscarriage and extreme preterm birth in a limited-resource setting on the Thailand-Myanmar border: a population cohort study.

McGready R, Paw MK, Wiladphaingern J, Min AM, Carrara VI, Moore KA, Pukrittayakamee S, Nosten FH

  • Journal Wellcome open research

  • Published 06 Dec 2018

  • Volume 1

  • Pagination 32

  • DOI 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.10352.3


In this low resource setting few (<1%) pregnancy outcomes occurred in the 22 to <28 weeks gestational window; four in ten  were miscarriage (late expulsion) and neonatal mortality approached 100%.  In the scale-up to preventable newborns deaths (at least initially) greater benefits will be obtained by focusing on the viable newborns of ≥ 28 weeks gestation.