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The ins and outs of phosphosignalling in Plasmodium: Parasite regulation and host cell manipulation.

Carvalho TG, Morahan B, John von Freyend S, Boeuf P, Grau G, Garcia-Bustos J, Doerig C

  • Journal Molecular and biochemical parasitology

  • Published 17 May 2016

  • Volume 208

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 2-15

  • DOI 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2016.05.006


Signal transduction and kinomics have been rapidly expanding areas of investigation within the malaria research field. Here, we provide an overview of phosphosignalling pathways that operate in all stages of the Plasmodium life cycle. We review signalling pathways in the parasite itself, in the cells it invades, and in other cells of the vertebrate host with which it interacts. We also discuss the potential of these pathways as novel targets for antimalarial intervention.