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Structure and Characterisation of a Key Epitope in the Conserved C-Terminal Domain of the Malaria Vaccine Candidate MSP2.

Seow J, Morales RA, MacRaild CA, Krishnarjuna B, McGowan S, Dingjan T, Jaipuria G, Rouet R, Wilde KL, Atreya HS, Richards JS, Anders RF, Christ D, Drinkwater N, Norton RS

  • Journal Journal of molecular biology

  • Published 08 Feb 2017

  • Volume 429

  • ISSUE 6

  • Pagination 836-846

  • DOI 10.1016/j.jmb.2017.02.003


identified the minimal binding epitope of 4D11 and the key residues involved in binding. A 2.2-Å crystal structure of 4D11 Fv bound to the eight-residue epitope NKENCGAA provided valuable insight into the possible conformation of the C-terminal region of MSP2 on the parasite. This work underpins continued efforts to optimise recombinant MSP2 constructs for evaluation as potential vaccine candidates.