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Structure-Activity Studies of β-Hairpin Peptide Inhibitors of the Plasmodium falciparum AMA1-RON2 Interaction.

Wang G, Drinkwater N, Drew DR, MacRaild CA, Chalmers DK, Mohanty B, Lim SS, Anders RF, Beeson JG, Thompson PE, McGowan S, Simpson JS, Norton RS, Scanlon MJ

  • Journal Journal of molecular biology

  • Published 14 Jul 2016

  • Volume 428

  • ISSUE 20

  • Pagination 3986-3998

  • DOI 10.1016/j.jmb.2016.07.001


values of 2.1nM and 0.4nM, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the most potent strain-transcending peptide reported to date and represents a valuable tool to characterize the AMA1-RON2 interaction.