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Screening and Prophylaxis to Prevent Hepatitis B Reactivation: Transplant Recipients.

Sasadeusz J, Grigg A, Hughes PD, Lee Lim S, Lucas M, McColl G, McLachlan SA, Peters MG, Shackel N, Slavin M, Sundararajan V, Thompson A, Doyle J, Rickard J, De Cruz P, Gish RG, Visvanathan K

  • Journal Clinics in liver disease

  • Published 06 Jun 2019

  • Volume 23

  • ISSUE 3

  • Pagination 493-509

  • DOI 10.1016/j.cld.2019.04.010


Organ transplantation is a lifesaving procedure for many patients. To prevent rejection or graft-versus-host disease, recipients require long-term immunosuppression. In patients who have ever been exposed to hepatitis B, it is possible for reactivation to occur; this includes patients who are anti-hepatitis B core antibody-positive only or both anti-hepatitis B core antibody-positive and hepatitis B surface antibody-positive. The susceptibility to this varies with the nature of the transplant. Hepatitis B can be transmitted from donor to recipient. It is important to assess the hepatitis B status and formulate a strategy to prevent transmission and prevent reactivation.