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Screening and Prophylaxis to Prevent Hepatitis B Reactivation: Patients with Hematological and Solid Tumor Malignancies.

Sasadeusz J, Grigg A, Hughes PD, Lim SL, Lucas M, McColl G, McLachlan SA, Peters MG, Shackel N, Slavin M, Sundararajan V, Thompson A, Doyle J, Rickard J, De Cruz P, Gish RG, Visvanathan K

  • Journal Clinics in liver disease

  • Published 06 Jun 2019

  • Volume 23

  • ISSUE 3

  • Pagination 511-519

  • DOI 10.1016/j.cld.2019.04.011


Patients with malignancies require chemotherapy and other immunosuppressive therapies for treatment. Because of this immunosuppression, in patients who have ever been exposed to hepatitis B it is possible for reactivation to occur. This reactivation can be fatal. Reactivation is particularly likely in patients who receive B cell-active agents such as rituximab. The occurrence of reactivation flares may also delay further chemotherapy, which can negatively affect the outcome of the underlying malignancy. Accordingly, it is important to screen patients for markers of hepatitis B and institute antiviral prophylaxis to prevent reactivation.