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RTS,S/AS01<sub>E</sub> malaria vaccine induces IgA responses against CSP and vaccine-unrelated antigens in African children in the phase 3 trial.

Suau R, Vidal M, Aguilar R, Ruiz-Olalla G, Vázquez-Santiago M, Jairoce C, Nhabomba AJ, Gyan B, Dosoo D, Asante KP, Owusu-Agyei S, Campo JJ, Izquierdo L, Cavanagh D, Coppel RL, Chauhan V, Angov E, Dutta S, Gaur D, Beeson JG, Moncunill G, Dobaño C

  • Journal Vaccine

  • Published 25 Dec 2020

  • Volume 39

  • ISSUE 4

  • Pagination 687-698

  • DOI 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.12.038


elicits antigen-specific serum IgA antibodies to the vaccine and other malaria antigens, and we explored their association with protection.

or a comparator vaccine were selected for IgA quantification 1 month post primary immunization. Two sites with different malaria transmission intensities (MTI) and clinical malaria cases and controls, were included. Measurements of IgA against different constructs of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) vaccine antigen and 16 vaccine-unrelated Plasmodium falciparum antigens were performed using a quantitative suspension array assay.

RTS,S vaccination induced a 1.2 to 2-fold increase in levels of serum/plasma IgA antibodies to all CSP constructs, which was not observed upon immunization with a comparator vaccine. The IgA response against 13 out of 16 vaccine-unrelated P. falciparum antigens also increased after vaccination, and levels were higher in recipients of RTS,S than in comparators. IgA levels to malaria antigens before vaccination were more elevated in the high MTI than the low MTI site. No statistically significant association of IgA with protection was found in exploratory analyses.

immunization is necessary for the design of improved second-generation vaccines. NCT008666191.