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Public health advocacy for the Berlin Declaration on tuberculosis in the former Soviet Union: The view of Médecins Sans Frontières.

Healy S, Dietrich S, Roth T, Nyang'wa BT, Ducros P

  • Journal European journal of microbiology & immunology

  • Published 11 Dec 2012

  • Volume 2

  • ISSUE 4

  • Pagination 282-6

  • DOI 10.1556/EuJMI.2.2012.4.6


To assist international efforts to address major gaps in the availability and accessibility of quality diagnosis and treatment for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, Médecins Sans Frontières has adapted an approach combining three sets of interlinked strategies: direct provision of medical care, operational research, and public health advocacy. The activities undertaken are reviewed each in turn, with stress on the ways that they impact upon and consolidate each other. In spite of new opportunities, including technologies which significantly improve diagnosis and new, more patient-centred approaches, a much broader international mobilization is needed in order to confront MDR-TB. It is also questionable as to whether existing technologies are successful enough to provide a solid basis for expanded national programs.