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Presence of genomic polyadenylate and absence of detectable virion transcriptase in human coronavirus OC-43.

Tannock GA, Hierholzer JC

  • Journal The Journal of general virology

  • Published 17 Jun 1978

  • Volume 39

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 29-39

  • DOI 10.1099/0022-1317-39-1-29


Human coronavirus RNA, prepared by extraction of purified virions with phenol-chloroform, consists of a major 15 to 55S class and a minor 4S class of RNA fragments. Polyadenylic acid [poly (A)] sequences are present in 15 to 55S but not in 4S RNA, suggesting different functions for each class. A stretch of poly (A) of approximately 19 adenosine monophosphate residues was obtained in sizing experiments after digesting OC-43 RNA with pancreatic and T1 ribonucleases. An OC-43 virion RNA transcriptase could not be detected with systems optimal for detecting the transcriptases of influenza and Newcastle disease virus.