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Phagocytosis stimulates mobilization and shedding of intracellular CD16A in human monocytes and macrophages: inhibition by HIV-1 infection.

Webster NL, Kedzierska K, Azzam R, Paukovics G, Wilson J, Crowe SM, Jaworowski A

  • Journal Journal of leukocyte biology

  • Published 21 Nov 2005

  • Volume 79

  • ISSUE 2

  • Pagination 294-302

  • DOI 10.1189/jlb.0705382


Surface and intracellular staining coupled with flow cytometric analysis was used to show for the first time that human macrophages and a minor subset of peripheral blood monocytes have an internal pool of CD16A, which is mobilized and shed during Fc receptor for immunoglobulin G-mediated phagocytosis. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection of monocyte-derived macrophages in vitro led to a reduction in the phagocytosis-induced up-regulation in CD16A shedding. These results suggest that monocytes and macrophages may be a source of soluble CD16A, which is elevated in the serum of patients in a variety of disease states and that the mobilization and shedding of CD16A in response to phagocytosis are disrupted by HIV-1 infection.