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Oxidised mannan antigen conjugates preferentially stimulate T1 type immune responses.

McKenzie IF, Apostolopoulos V, Lees C, Xing PX, Lofthouse S, Osinski C, Popovski V, Acres B, Pietersz G

  • Journal Veterinary immunology and immunopathology

  • Published 24 Sep 1998

  • Volume 63

  • ISSUE 1-2

  • Pagination 185-90

  • DOI 10.1016/s0165-2427(98)00094-4


It is desirable to be able to produce either T1 or T2 responses and we have found that, in mice, mannose--coupled antigens stimulated T2 type responses antibodies and CTLs, whereas if oxidized, mannose--coupled antigens stimulated T1 responses little antibody and a potent CTL response. In addition, the cytokine profiles support the T1rT2 differentiation with these immunizations, in that oxidized mannan antigen gives IFNg, IL-2 and IL-12 production, whereas in the absence of oxidization, IL-4 and not the other cytokines is produced. A number of antigens have been examined--particularly Mucin 1 and the delivery method using mannose may be applicable to the other antigens.