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Non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis in Victoria, Australia: responding to high rates of re-presentation and low rates of follow-up.

Armishaw J, Hoy JF, Watson KM, Wright EJ, Price BG, Pierce AB

  • Journal International journal of STD & AIDS

  • Published 02 Jul 2012

  • Volume 22

  • ISSUE 12

  • Pagination 714-8

  • DOI 10.1258/ijsa.2011.011174


In Australia, the non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis service in Victoria (VNPEPS) maintains a database of non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (NPEP) use throughout the state. Through the database the service can monitor and respond to patterns of NPEP presentation, re-presentation and follow-up as well as those who test positive for HIV. We describe a cohort of NPEP individuals from the commencement of the service to 31 December 2009. During this time, 1864 individuals presented for NPEP on 2396 occasions. The majority (85%) were men who have sex with men (MSM) presenting after receptive anal intercourse (56.1%). Repeat NPEP presentations were high (17.5%) and follow-up testing at week 12 post-NPEP was low (34%). Twenty-two patients (1.2%) tested positive for HIV at baseline presentation and six patients seroconverted to HIV during follow-up. The VNPEPS has initiated strategies to encourage behaviour change for those who re-present for NPEP, and to improve rates of week 12 follow-up.