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Molecular Simulations of Carbohydrates with a Fucose-Binding <i>Burkholderia ambifaria</i> Lectin Suggest Modulation by Surface Residues Outside the Fucose-Binding Pocket.

Dingjan T, Imberty A, Pérez S, Yuriev E, Ramsland PA

  • Journal Frontiers in pharmacology

  • Published 21 Jun 2017

  • Volume 8

  • Pagination 393

  • DOI 10.3389/fphar.2017.00393


) and a library of blood-group-related carbohydrates. Carbohydrate recognition is dominated by interactions with fucose via a hydrogen-bonding network involving Arg15, Glu26, Ala38, and Trp79 and a stacking interaction with Trp74. Additional hydrogen bonds to non-fucose residues are formed with Asp30, Tyr35, Thr36, and Trp74. BambL recognition is dominated by interactions with fucose, but also features interactions with other parts of the ligands that may modulate specificity or affinity. The detailed computational characterization of the BambL carbohydrate-binding site provides guidelines for the future design of lectin inhibitors.