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Molecular cloning and characterization of the pig secretor type alpha 1,2fucosyltransferase (FUT2).

Cohney S, Mouhtouris E, McKenzie IF, Sandrin MS

  • Journal International journal of molecular medicine

  • Published 16 Oct 2000

  • Volume 3

  • ISSUE 2

  • Pagination 199-207

  • DOI 10.3892/ijmm.3.2.199


The existence of at least two distinct alpha 1,2fucosyltransferases has been postulated for many years, and recently confirmed in humans with the cloning of the human and rabbit secretor type alpha 1,2fucosyltransferase. We now describe the cloning and analysis of PFUT2, the pig secretor type alpha 1,2fucosyltransferase, which shows a high level of amino acid identity with previously cloned alpha 1,2fucosyltransferases, but more so with human and rabbit FUT2. Expression of PFUT2 in COS cells showed cell surface staining for H substance with UEAI lectin and anti-H monoclonal antibody, but not for A blood group substance. Kinetic studies were consistent with PFUT2 having a preference for type 1 and type 3 acceptors, as do the human and rabbit homologues, in contrast to PFUT1 which shows a preference for type 2 substrates. Like HuFUT1 and PFUT1, PFUT2 was able to dominate over the pig alpha 1,3galactosyltransferase in co-expression studies in COS cells and give preferential expression of H substance and reduced expression of Gal alpha (1,3)Gal. Cotransfection studies demonstrate that a combination of FUT1 and FUT2 cDNAs has an additive effect in suppressing expression of Gal alpha (1,3)Gal.