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LRH-1 expression patterns in breast cancer tissues are associated with tumour aggressiveness.

Pang JB, Molania R, Chand A, Knower K, Takano EA, Byrne DJ, Mikeska T, Millar EKA, Lee CS, O'Toole SA, Clyne C, Gorringe KL, Dobrovic A, Fox SB

  • Journal Oncotarget

  • Published 28 Jul 2017

  • Volume 8

  • ISSUE 48

  • Pagination 83626-83636

  • DOI 10.18632/oncotarget.18886


amplification (overall cohort p=0.034) and non-luminal intrinsic subtype (p=0.018, p=0.038 in overall cohort and invasive carcinomas, respectively). These significant associations of LRH-1 protein expression with tumour phenotype suggest that LRH-1 is an important indicator of tumour biology in breast cancers and may be useful in risk stratification.