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LFA-1 and ICAM-1 antibody-idarubicin conjugates separately prolong murine cardiac allograft survival.

Pietersz GA, Sandrin MS, Ling S, Li YQ, McKenzie IFC

  • Journal Transplant immunology

  • Published 29 Mar 2002

  • Volume 9

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 7-11

  • DOI 10.1016/s0966-3274(01)00038-7


Drug antibody conjugates can enhance the activity of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) and idarubicin-MoAb conjugates have led to tolerance induction with antibodies which are inactive when used alone. It has been reported that, in mice, antibodies to ICAM-1 and LFA-1 have to be used together to induce tolerance to cardiac allografts; here we show that these monoclonal antibodies, conjugated to idarubicin, can lead to tolerance induction to cardiac allografts when used alone.