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Inflammation and innate immune activation in chronic HIV infection.

Jaworowski A, Hearps AC

  • Published 01 May 2014

  • Volume 35

  • ISSUE 2

  • Pagination 101-102

  • DOI 10.1071/MA14032


Presently, there is no effective therapeutic HIV vaccine or a protective vaccine against de novo infection, and antiretroviral therapy is the only effective treatment for the many people currently infected with HIV. Current antiretroviral regimens, while effective at controlling HIV viremia, do not reduce inflammation and innate immune activation increased in chronically infected HIV+ individuals, who suffer increased prevalence of non-AIDS co-morbidities with an inflammatory aetiology. An understanding of the causes, and development of robust biomarkers, for innate immune activation is needed to improve health outcomes for the estimated 35 million HIV+ individuals.