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Implications of survey labels and categorisations for understanding drug use in the context of sex among gay and bisexual men in Melbourne, Australia.

Ryan KE, Wilkinson AL, Pedrana A, Quinn B, Dietze P, Hellard M, Stoové M

  • Journal The International journal on drug policy

  • Published 07 May 2018

  • Volume 55

  • Pagination 183-186

  • DOI 10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.01.014


Reliably measuring drug use by gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM) in the context of sex can inform sexual health service responses. We report changing drug use patterns among GBM testing for HIV at a community-based service in Melbourne in response to behavioural survey modifications.

) before or during sex. Differences in drug use prevalence and demographic and sexual risk correlates are reported.

Reported drug use increased from 16.9% in survey one to 54.0% in survey two. Among GBM completing both surveys, 45% who reported no drug use in survey one reported drug use in survey two. Drug use was associated with high HIV risk behaviours across both surveys.

Survey modification improved ascertainment of drug use in the context of sex among GBM. Continued monitoring of drug use in this setting will improve our understanding the relationship between use of specific drugs and sexual health and help inform client focused health promotion.