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Hepatitis C risk perceptions and attitudes towards reinfection among HIV-diagnosed gay and bisexual men in Melbourne, Australia.

Schroeder SE, Higgs P, Winter R, Brown G, Pedrana A, Hellard M, Doyle J, Stoové M

  • Journal Journal of the International AIDS Society

  • Published 01 Apr 2020

  • Volume 22

  • ISSUE 5

  • Pagination e25288

  • DOI 10.1002/jia2.25288


Gay and bisexual men (GBM) are at increased risk of hepatitis C/HIV co-infection. In Australia, the availability of subsidized direct-acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis C has rendered eliminating co-infection possible. High reinfection rates in subgroups with continued exposure may compromise elimination efforts. To inform the development of hepatitis C risk reduction support in GBM, we explored reinfection risk perceptions and attitudes among GBM living with HIV recently cured from hepatitis C.

Between April and August 2017, 15 GBM living with diagnosed HIV were recruited from high caseload HIV primary care services in Melbourne following successful hepatitis C treatment. In-depth interviews were conducted exploring understandings of hepatitis C risks, experiences of co-infection and attitudes towards reinfection. Constructivist grounded theory guided data aggregation.

Participants' understandings of their hepatitis C infection and reinfection trajectories were captured in three categories. Hepatitis C and HIV disease dichotomies: Hepatitis C diagnosis was a shock to most participants and contrasted with feelings of inevitability associated with HIV seroconversion. While HIV was normalized, hepatitis C was experienced as highly stigmatizing. Despite injecting drug use, interviewees did not identify with populations typically at risk of hepatitis C. Risk environments and avoiding reinfection: Interviewees identified their social and sexual networks as risk-perpetuating environments where drug use was ubiquitous and higher risk sex was common. Avoiding these risk environments to avoid reinfection resulted in community disengagement, leaving many feeling socially isolated. Hepatitis C care as a catalyst for change: Engagement in hepatitis C care contributed to a better understanding of hepatitis C risks. Interviewees were committed to applying their improved competencies around transmission risk reduction to avoid reinfection. Interviewees also considered hepatitis C care as a catalyst to reduce their drug use.

Hepatitis C/HIV co-infection among GBM cannot be understood in isolation from co-occurring drug use and sex, nor as separate from their HIV infection. Hepatitis C prevention must address subcultural heterogeneity and the intersectionality between multiple stigmatized social identities. Hepatitis C care presents an opportunity to provide support beyond cure. Peer support networks could mitigate social capital loss following a commitment to behaviour change and reduce hepatitis C reinfection risks.