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HBV continuum of care using community- and hospital-based screening interventions in Senegal: Results from the PROLIFICA programme.

Sow A, Lemoine M, Toure PS, Diop M, Lo G, De Veiga J, Pape OT, Seck K, Ndow G, Bojang L, Kane A, Oudiane M, Howell J, Nayagam S, Moutchia J, Chemin I, Mendy M, Toure-Kane C, Thursz M, Ka M, Shimakawa Y, Mboup S

  • Journal JHEP reports : innovation in hepatology

  • Published 09 Jul 2022

  • Volume 4

  • ISSUE 10

  • Pagination 100533

  • DOI 10.1016/j.jhepr.2022.100533


Strategies to implement HBV screening and treatment are critical to achieve HBV elimination but have been inadequately evaluated in sub-Saharan Africa (sSA).

We assessed the feasibility of screen-and-treat interventions in 3 real-world settings (community, workplace, and hospital) in Senegal. Adult participants were screened using a rapid HBsAg point-of-care test. The proportion linked to care, the proportion who had complete clinical staging (alanine transaminase [ALT], viral load, and FibroScan®), and the proportion eligible for treatment were compared among the 3 intervention groups.

 = 0.007). Acceptability of antiviral therapy, adherence, and safety at 1 year were very good.

HBV screen-and-treat interventions are feasible in non-hospital and hospital settings in Senegal. However, the continuum of care is suboptimal owing to limited access to full clinical staging. Improvement in access to diagnostic services is urgently needed in sSA.

Hepatitis B infection is highly endemic in Senegal. Screening for infection can be done outside hospitals, in communities or workplaces. However, the hepatitis B continuum of care is suboptimal in Senegal and needs to be simplified to scale-up diagnosis and treatment coverage.