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Geospatial joint modeling of vector and parasite serology to microstratify malaria transmission.

Kearney EA, Amratia P, Kang SY, Agius PA, Alene KA, O'Flaherty K, Oo WH, Cutts JC, Htike W, Da Silva Goncalves D, Razook Z, Barry AE, Drew D, Thi A, Aung KZ, Thu HK, Thein MM, Zaw NN, Htay WYM, Soe AP, Beeson JG, Simpson JA, Gething PW, Cameron E, Fowkes FJI

  • Journal PNAS

  • Published 11 Jun 2024

  • Volume 121

  • ISSUE 24

  • DOI 10.1073/pnas.2320898121


The World Health Organization identifies a strong surveillance system for malaria and its mosquito vector as an essential pillar of the malaria elimination agenda. Anopheles salivary antibodies are emerging biomarkers of exposure to mosquito bites that potentially overcome sensitivity and logistical constraints of traditional entomological surveys. Using samples collected by a village health volunteer network in 104 villages in Southeast Myanmar during routine surveillance, the present study employs a Bayesian geostatistical modeling framework, incorporating climatic and environmental variables together with Anopheles salivary antigen serology, to generate spatially continuous predictive maps of Anopheles biting exposure. Our maps quantify fine-scale spatial and temporal heterogeneity in Anopheles salivary antibody seroprevalence (ranging from 9 to 99%) that serves as a proxy of exposure to Anopheles bites and advances current static maps of only Anopheles occurrence. We also developed an innovative framework to perform surveillance of malaria transmission. By incorporating antibodies against the vector and the transmissible form of malaria (sporozoite) in a joint Bayesian geostatistical model, we predict several foci of ongoing transmission. In our study, we demonstrate that antibodies specific for Anopheles salivary and sporozoite antigens are a logistically feasible metric with which to quantify and characterize heterogeneity in exposure to vector bites and malaria transmission. These approaches could readily be scaled up into existing village health volunteer surveillance networks to identify foci of residual malaria transmission, which could be targeted with supplementary interventions to accelerate progress toward elimination.