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Feasibility and acceptability of orientation and mobility instructors delivering the LiFE falls prevention program to older people with vision impairment.

Keay L, Saich F, Clemson L, Middlemiss L, Johnson J, Tumanik H, Taylor J, Munro J, Borkowski E, Tinsley F

  • Published 01 Jan 2015

  • Volume 7

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 22-33

  • DOI 10.21307/ijom-2017-053


Older people with vision impairment are at an increased risk of falls. Though exercise-based intervention can reduce falls in the general population, this strategy has not been successful among people with vision impairment. We evaluated the feasibility and acceptability of the LiFE program, a home-based fall prevention program, for people aged over 50 with vision impairment (n=16). The program was successfully delivered by orientation and mobility instructors to clients of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, a community service organisation. Interviews with study participants showed engagement and adherence and there were positive trends in physical outcome measures supporting this program as a promising approach to enhance strength and balance, ultimately reducing the likelihood of falls in older people with vision impairment.