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Epidemiology of EHV-1 and EHV-4 in the mare and foal populations on a Hunter Valley stud farm: are mares the source of EHV-1 for unweaned foals.

Gilkerson JR, Whalley JM, Drummer HE, Studdert MJ, Love DN

  • Journal Veterinary microbiology

  • Published 10 Nov 1999

  • Volume 68

  • ISSUE 1-2

  • Pagination 27-34

  • DOI 10.1016/s0378-1135(99)00058-9


The prevalence of EHV-1 and EHV-4 antibody-positive horses was determined using a type specific ELISA on serum samples collected from 229 mares and their foals resident on a large Thoroughbred stud farm in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales in February 1995. More than 99% of all mares and foals tested were EHV-4 antibody positive, while the prevalence of EHV-1 antibody positive mares and foals were 26.2 and 11.4%, respectively. Examination of the ELISA absorbance data for the individual mares and foals suggested that the EHV-1 antibody positive foals had been infected recently with EHV-1 and that a sub-group of the mare population was the likely source of infectious virus for the unweaned foals.