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Enhancing HIV Prevention: Social Support, Access to, and Use of HIV Testing, Treatment, and Care Services in Fishing Communities Around Lake Victoria, Uganda.

Tumwine C, Aggleton P, Bell S

  • Journal AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education

  • Published 17 Sep 2020

  • Volume 32

  • ISSUE 3

  • Pagination 196-211

  • DOI 10.1521/aeap.2020.32.3.196


In-depth interviews were conducted with 42 HIV-positive fisherfolk and 15 health care providers to identify experiences of social support and its influence on access to and use of HIV testing, treatment, and care. Fisherfolk participants reported receiving support at some point. Prior to HIV diagnosis, this usually took the form of advice on what illness they were dealing with and remedies to use. After HIV diagnosis and disclosure to friends or family, emotional support enabled fisherfolk to come to terms with an HIV diagnosis, informational support offered guidance on how best to live with HIV, while instrumental support enabled access to relevant HIV services. Finally, affiliative support, in the form of new friends met through HIV clinic visits, provided a sense of belonging. Each of these different kinds of support assisted fisherfolk to respond positively to HIV with important consequences for secondary and tertiary prevention.