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Effectiveness of Oseltamivir Prophylaxis in Influenza Outbreaks in Residential Aged Care.

Dronavalli M, Lord H, Alexander K, Boonwaat L, Pal N, Fletcher-Lartey SM

  • Journal Journal of epidemiology and global health

  • Published 20 Aug 2021

  • Volume 10

  • ISSUE 2

  • Pagination 184-189

  • DOI 10.2991/jegh.k.200402.001


< 0.05) lower OP failure rate. OP is highly effective in preventing new cases of influenza during outbreaks in ACFs, especially in ACFs with dementia or high care wards. Mandatory reporting of influenza outbreaks to PHUs would ensure that ACFs are supported throughout the outbreak, which will facilitate reductions in hospitalizations and mortality.