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Effectiveness of an expanded role for community health workers on malaria blood examination rates in malaria elimination settings in Myanmar: an open stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised controlled trial.

Win Han Oo, Htike W, May Chan Oo, Pwint Phyu Phyu, Kyawt Mon Win, Nay Yi Yi Linn, Tun Min, Ei Phyu Htwe, Aung Khine Zaw, Kaung Myat Thu, Galau NH, Cutts JC, Simpson JA, Scott N, O'Flaherty K, Agius PA, Fowkes FJI

  • Journal Lancet Regional Health Southeast Asia

  • Published 17 Oct 2024

  • Volume 31

  • ISSUE 100499

  • DOI 10.1016/j.lansea.2024.100499


As Greater Mekong Subregion countries approach malaria elimination, the motivation and social role of community health workers (CHWs), and malaria blood examination rates, have declined in parallel with decreasing malaria burden. To address this issue, a health system model which expanded the role for CHWs was co-designed with communities and health stakeholders in the Mekong Subregion and field-tested in Myanmar.