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Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to HOXA<sup>+</sup> hemogenic vasculature that resembles the aorta-gonad-mesonephros.

Ng ES, Azzola L, Bruveris FF, Calvanese V, Phipson B, Vlahos K, Hirst C, Jokubaitis VJ, Yu QC, Maksimovic J, Liebscher S, Januar V, Zhang Z, Williams B, Conscience A, Durnall J, Jackson S, Costa M, Elliott D, Haylock DN, Nilsson SK, Saffery R, Schenke-Layland K, Oshlack A, Mikkola HK, Stanley EG, Elefanty AG

  • Journal Nature biotechnology

  • Published 17 Oct 2016

  • Volume 34

  • ISSUE 11

  • Pagination 1168-1179

  • DOI 10.1038/nbt.3702


hematopoietic cells and corresponding cells sorted from human AGM show similar expression of cell surface receptors, signaling molecules and transcription factors. Our findings provide an approach to mimic in vitro a key early stage in human hematopoiesis for the generation of AGM-derived hematopoietic lineages from hESCs.