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Cost-Effectiveness of Treating Hepatitis C in Clients on Opioid Agonist Therapy in Community Pharmacies Compared to Primary Healthcare in Australia.

Ginnane JF, Scott N, Radley A, Dillon JF, Hellard M, Doyle J

  • Journal Journal of viral hepatitis

  • Published 23 Oct 2024

  • DOI 10.1111/jvh.14015


Meeting the World Health Organisation 2030 target of treating 80% of people with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Australia requires accessible testing and treatment services for at-risk populations. Previous clinical trials, including those in Australia, have demonstrated the efficacy of outreach programmes to community pharmacies offering opioid agonist therapy (OAT). This analysis evaluates the potential cost-effectiveness of introducing an outreach programme in community pharmacies. Using a decision analytic model, we estimated the impact of adding a temporary hepatitis C outreach and treatment programme in community pharmacies to the standard treatment pathway available through general practice. We compared the expected number of tests, diagnoses, cures and costs occurring through the addition of this outreach and treatment programme to those expected through general practice alone over a 12-month time horizon. We examined costs from the perspective of the health system and conducted one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses to assess uncertainty in model parameters and test key assumptions. In the model adding the outreach programme pathway increased the number of tests from 4178 to 8737, the number of diagnoses from 615 to 1285 and the number of cures from 223 to 777 among people on OAT over a 12-month period. Each additional cure achieved through the addition of the outreach programme was estimated to incur $48,964 (AUD 2023) to the health system, with > 85% of these costs attributable to medication and dispensing expenses. The average cost per cure was estimated to be $49,152 through routine care and $49,018 in the outreach programme. Although outreach models of care incur large upfront costs, they can capture otherwise unreached populations and result in comparable or favourable cost per cure, due to higher levels of engagement and lower rates of loss to follow-up.

Keywords:  cost‐effectiveness analysis; hepatitis C; opiate substitution treatment; pharmacies.