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Clinical effects and in vitro studies of trifluorothymidine combined with interferon-alpha for treatment of drug-resistant and -sensitive herpes simplex virus infections.

Birch CJ, Tyssen DP, Tachedjian G, Doherty R, Hayes K, Mijch A, Lucas CR

  • Journal The Journal of infectious diseases

  • Published 20 Jul 1992

  • Volume 166

  • ISSUE 1

  • Pagination 108-12

  • DOI 10.1093/infdis/166.1.108


Three AIDS patients with severe cutaneous herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection refractory to therapy with acyclovir and foscarnet (2 patients) were treated with a topical preparation of trifluorothymidine (TFT) and interferon-alpha. Complete healing of lesions occurred in 1 patient; a second had significant regression of the infected area. In the third, the lesion was stabilized twice after application of the preparation and reduced in size after a subsequent treatment. In vitro studies confirmed that isolates from these patients were acyclovir- or acyclovir/foscarnet-resistant. In addition, they revealed strong synergy between TFT and interferon-alpha for these isolates and for strains with wild-type drug sensitivity profiles. Topical TFT/interferon-alpha may be of benefit in the therapy of mucocutaneous HSV infections, especially when they are resistant to treatment with systemic antiviral agents.