A panel of 14 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) was used to characterize the high abundance glycoproteins of equine herpesviruses 4 (EHV-4) and 1 (EHV-1), and asinine herpesvirus 3 (AHV-3). The specificities of the MAbs, which had been determined previously for strains of EHV-4 and -1 from the U.S.A., in general were confirmed by ELISA for Australian strains of these viruses. Of the 14 MAbs seven were EHV-4 and -1 type-common and cross-reacted with AHV-3. Of the five MAbs that were EHV-1 type-specific, four cross-reacted with AHV-3, whereas neither of the EHV-4 type-specific MAbs reacted with AHV-3, providing further evidence for a closer evolutionary relationship between EHV-1 and AHV-3 than that between either of these viruses and EHV-4. By Western blot and immunoprecipitation analyses, the identity of the six major glycoproteins, gp2, gp10, gp13, gp14, gp18 and gp21/22a, of an Australian EHV-1 isolate was verified, and it was shown that AHV-3 had cross-reactive glycoproteins of very similar Mr to those of EHV-1; five homologous glycoproteins of EHV-4 were also identified. It was determined that the EHV-4 gp13 homologue had a much reduced Mr (67K) when the virus was grown in a continuous cell line than when grown in equine foetal kidney cells (95K). It is suggested that altered glycosylation by the cell line is responsible for this change in Mr. Those glycoproteins acting as major immunogens in the naturally infected host, at least in their ability to elicit antibody, were identified. It was found that gp2, gp13, gp14, gp18 and a glycoprotein at 120K (EHV-1) or 116K (EHV-4) were all important immunogens in mares following EHV-1-induced abortion, and in a specific pathogen-free foal experimentally infected with EHV-1 and later cross-challenged with EHV-4. Gp2, gp14 and gp18 were the major immunogens in the donkey in response to AHV-3 infection. The type specificity associated with these glycoproteins was also examined and it was found that although most if not all contain type-specific epitopes, gp2 and a glycoprotein at 120K, and to a lesser extent gp13 and gp18, were significantly type-specific in the serum from a mare following natural EHV-1 infection and abortion.