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CD14 is not involved in the uptake of synthetic CpG oligonucleotides.

Li J, Ahmet F, O'Keeffe M, Lahoud MH, Heath WR, Caminschi I

  • Journal Molecular immunology

  • Published 12 Dec 2016

  • Volume 81

  • Pagination 52-58

  • DOI 10.1016/j.molimm.2016.11.015


and B6 mice. Importantly, mice deficient in both DEC205 and CD14 had comparable responses to mice lacking DEC205 alone, both in terms of cytokine production and DC activation, arguing that CD14 did not contribute to responses to CpG ODN. For CD14 to act as an uptake receptor for CpG ODN, it must first capture CpG ODN. To this end we assessed the capacity of cell surface CD14 to bind CpG ODN. Although we unequivocally confirmed that CD14 is required for the binding of its known ligand LPS, CD14 was not required for binding or responses to A-, B-, and C- Class CpG ODN. Our studies dispute the claim that CD14 is involved in CpG ODN capture.